Friday, December 10, 2010

His Ways Are Not My Own...

Every year in December, our church encourages it's members to be a part of a "Christmas Gathering." Christmas Gatherings are a Campus Crusade ministry that focuses on inviting neighbors over to get to know one another...and a speaker typically lays out the plan of salvation. The neighbor hosting then offers a follow up neighborhood Bible study to those who are interested. They go on all over the world and are VERY a matter of fact, there are many families in my church body who have come to know the Lord through a gathering.

So...this was my year. I have been feeling really led and compelled to reach out to my neighborhood for the Kingdom of Jesus since day one....I just didn't really know how. Most of my neighbors work full-time, there aren't many kids on my street, and a lot of them are my parents age. So Greg and I have been working on building what relationships we can with those around us...hoping that someday we will be able to bear fruit for Christ in those friendships.

I was really torn about the approach of the Christmas gathering...I didn't want it to be (for many) the first time these neighbors were in my home and then I launch a "Jesus grenade" at them. I typically believe that relational evangelism is how God has wired me. However, I knew that the Holy Spirit was leading me to host this party, and I went with it....through a series of events my speaker had to back out....and most of the neighbors I knew did not practice a faith at all could not make it.

Last night, six of the fifteen women I invited came over. I had women from my church and my family covering us in prayer. God did not dissapoint. It was an organic time together, where the conversational was intentional. I sat in silence (and awe) as I heard each neighbor share about her values, her faith, and how she lives that out.

I really feel that God orchestrated all the events leading up to last night (like the fact that NONE of my non-Christian neighbors could make it) in order to show me that His ways are not mine. My idea of what the night would look like was so different from what God had in store. Instead of laying out the plan of salvation tonight for the lost, He totally surprised me by revealing sisters in Him in my neighborhood to join in the pursuit of souls for His kingdom. I feel so encouraged and empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue to be intentional with these ladies and reach out TOGETHER for the lost.

So awesome is our God.

I know this is a lengthy read, and the last thing I want to do is come across like I am so great for doing this. My reason for sharing is to encourage you to be obedient to the Spirit's leading...God has such treasures along the way for the faithful. It only took me six years to learn that. I can't believe all the fear, rationalization, and procrastination that took place in my heart before the Spirit broke through and gave me courage. Now I feel as if a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders...and that I can continue on as Scripture and the Holy Spirit leads.


Emily Thompson said...

Rachel! So glad you went through with the gathering. I know this was something you have wanted to do for awhile. You are such an intentional woman of God and I love you for that. Glad you were able to fellowship and share with yoru neighbors!

Michelle Swidrak said...

You are awesome!! You are a great example to shine where you are! Love and miss you. :)